Day 3 of 21 – Praise In His Presence


Psalm 22:3 You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.


The Hebrew word for enthroned in this passage is “Yasab”. It means to dwell, inhabit, or sit as a judge. The Lord’s presence inhabits our praises. The King and Judge of the universe sits on His throne and lowers His scepter to us as we create an atmosphere of praise.


To experience God’s presence, we must praise Him. To have His presence abide or dwell with us, we must develop a lifestyle of praise. Just think of how different your life would be if you lived with the King daily, having His verdicts and rulings in your favor. Praise is how we do it.


Father, You are holy. Thank You for today. You are bigger than I can imagine. Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, and Your ways are higher than my ways. Walk with me and talk with Me today. I love You and thank You for Your goodness, kindness, and mercy. Amen.
