Day 11 – Security

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Genesis 3:7 …They knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.


Where do you go when you feel that you need something – when you’re tired, hungry, angry, or lonely? Where we go, or what we turn to in a time of need can is quite telling of our spiritual condition. Is God your very present help? Is He your provider, protector, or defender? Or do you have those areas covered with the fig leaves of lesser things?


When we have a need and we turn to food, sex, or a payday loan to fill the void, it betrays our distrust of God and spiritual immaturity as we refuse to wait on Him.


Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 


If we turn to anything or anyone else other than God when we are feeling weak, that has become and idol to us. Strengthening ourselves in the Lord is not just about receiving from God, but also waiting upon Him and refusing to feed our idols.


Lord, I love You. Thank You for today. You are holy, righteous, and good. I need You today. Be my strength and help me to wait upon You. Help me to identify and destroy the idols on my life. Help me to trust You in every area. You are my provider, protector, the author of my faith, the lover of my soul, and friend. Help me to be a better friend to You. Amen.