Day 13 of 21 – Heal the Hurt

Scripture:   Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. (Isaiah 58:12)

Observation:   For the past few days, we have discussed God’s perspective on the purpose and motives for fasting that please Him. In this verse, we are told what the consequences of godly fasting are:

1) We will rebuild the old places that have been left in ruins. This means that we can begin rebuilding hope, trust, relationships, businesses, or anything that God has called us to but has been destroyed by sin.

2) We will expand and strengthen our spiritual, relational, and natural foundations so that our children and their children can build something greater than we did.

3) In ancient times, a city was protected by a wall. When there was a breach, the enemy could come through and bring devastation. Repairer of the Breach is capitalized because this is a prophetic name/title of Jesus, our Messiah. He works through us by the Holy Spirit to close open doors to the enemy and repair the breaches in our lives.

4) We also, through the Spirit, allow Jesus to be The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In through us. This title is similar to the first one, but carries the idea that since the wall is secure, now peace is restored to the city. It can, therefore, resume normal activities and continue in its purpose.

Application:   It is very important to make sure that what we do is based on Scripture and that our motives are purified by the heart of God. This is also true of fasting. I would hate to go through the work and suffering of fasting, only for it to have the opposite effect of making me more selfish and carnal. What we do is important, but why we do what we do is far more so.

Let’s allow this fast to cause us to be restorers and builders rather than destroyers.

Prayer:   Jesus, I love You. Thank You for today. I exalt your greatness. Teach me to love like You. Help me to heal instead of hurt. Help me to restore instead of resisting You in the lives of others. I want my children to grow in You and that they will build upon Your kingdom. I ask that You would help me to close every door in my life that is open to the enemy. Amen.
