Day 14 of 21 – Withstanding the Waves

Scriptures:   For our light and momentary troubles [afflictions, sufferings] are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand (Ephesians 6:13). 

Observation:   At first blush, this verse may come off as insensitive and naïve at best, or unrealistic and offensive at worst. I mean, when you look at the loss of a loved one, a crippling divorce, a terminal diagnosis, or even intense persecution because of our faith, it is almost outrageous to say our suffering is light. We must, however, remember who wrote these words. Paul experienced more physical, mental, and emotional suffering than most can even imagine. He was plotted against, tortured, left for dead, beaten, wrongly accused, arrested and eventually put to death. He was no stranger to loss or pain of just about every kind. We must also keep in mind that Paul is saying that our temporary suffering is indeed light when compared to the eternal glory that it is producing in and through us.

Application:   This is essential to remember in the face of blinding grief or the weight of mental, emotional, or physical pain. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can walk by faith and not by sight. We may not see or feel His goodness in our suffering, but as we trust in His love and word, we can stand on the solid ground of faith and fight through the waves of grief or fear. If we hold on to our hope of eternal relief, blessing, and glory in Christ, we can wield it as a weapon against the enemy and the valley of darkness. Remember, you may be walking through the valley, but you are just passing through and the Lord is walking with you every step regardless of your awareness of His presence.

Prayer:   Jesus, You are Holy. I love You. I need You today. I trust that You are walking with me through every valley, tragedy, or storm. Help me to hold onto my faith in Your goodness, especially when I am feeling so much and so badly. Though it may feel, at times, that I’m groping in the dark, I trust that the Lover of My Soul is taking my hand and bringing Your light that overcomes the darkness. Help me to hold onto my hope. There will be a day when there is no more pain or suffering, but until then, give me the strength to trust You and follow You through the valleys of this life. I break off every lie of the enemy. I refuse to cast blame. I trust You to hold me in the waves. Amen.
