Day 20 of 21 – Minister to the King

Scripture:   And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:23-24).

Observation:   We may have bosses, but ultimately, we don’t work for them. God is the One who will weigh the eternal merit of our actions, motives, and disciplines. This principle is true in every context of life. Our goal and aim should be to please those in authority over us, but our ultimate goal should be to please God.

We must, as Oswald Chambers is famous for having said, “Shut out every other thought and keep yourself before God in this one thing only— my utmost for His highest.” Are we doing our very best as worship to give glory to God? Or are we just getting by, doing the bare minimum? We spend a great deal of time asking God to minister to us. What if we began to live lives of worship where we seek to minister to Him.

Application:   When we deal with or spouses or children, when we go to school, what we do with our free time, etc. – we should be asking the simple question, “Father, does this please You?” God doesn’t expect perfection, but neither does He want your half-hearted, unintentional, and passive proximity. We should strive for excellence in all we do as worship unto our King, Redeemer, Father, and the Lover of our Souls.

Prayer:   Lord, I love You and thank You for today. I ask forgiveness for any area where I haven’t given You my best. You gave Your all for me. Help me to give my all for You. Help me to develop a constant awareness of Your presence, and to do everything I can to please You. Give me grace that I may be an example of grace to others. In Your name, amen.

Prayer Points:  

  • Repent of half-hearted, non-sacrificial worship.
  • Spend some time in praise and thanking Him.
  • Pray for your church and pastors as we prepare for an ENCOUNTER with God.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you do, and in all you do, do it with all your heart.
