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John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
1 John 4:19 We love because He first loved us.
In English, we have one word for love that describes many things. I love my wife, I love my dog, and I love pizza. I do not love them in the same way, however. In Greek, we get a better picture of the different facets of love. Storge is the love of family, Eros is sexual love, and Phileo is mutual love and kindness.
Agape love, however, is different. This is God’s kind of love. It is a love that prefers the other person over self (Philippians 2:3). It is sacrificial (John 3:16). It hopes, endures, and chooses to believe the best about others even when it is treated badly (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Jesus called Judas “friend” even while He was being betrayed.
Jesus says that the greatest display that we are truly His, is not our services, slogans, or declarations of faith. It is how we love (John 13:35). Today, ask the Lord to show you how to love sacrificially and ask forgiveness for being selfish. Look for opportunities to sacrifice and to put others first.
Jesus, I love You. Thank You for today. I ask for Your forgiveness for being selfish and putting myself before You and others. Help me to love You and others the way that You deserve. Let my life reflect Your love in every aspect. Amen.