Scripture: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Observation: Rest is not a given. We are not entitled to victory, blessing, or fruitfulness. Jesus will refresh our souls and ease our burdens IF we come to Him. He is not a “checks in the mail” God. He is a “open your life to Me and let’s do lunch” God (Revelation 3:20).
Application: We go to God by getting into His word, talking with Him in prayer, and inviting His presence through praise. It means we go to Jesus with what’s on our heart and mind – that we trust Him with our lives. Prayer should not be a last resort when you have no other option. It should be our first and knee-jerk reaction to everything.
Prayer: Jesus, I love You. Thank You for my life. You are holy and I honor You. Thank You for making a way when there was no way. I lift my day, family, finances, etc. to You. Help me to love You and walk closer with You. I’m sorry for only coming to You when I want something. Help me to love You and want You more. Amen.