Day 6 of 21 – The Yoke of Destiny

Scripture:   “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)

Observation:   A yoke is a heavy piece of wood used to join two animals together for work. Your yoke will determine your destiny. We are yoked to sin and the world system by choosing our pride and rejecting God. This brings slavery, death, and hopelessness. When we turn to God, He helps us to throw off the yoke of the world and take on His purposes for our lives. He invites us to learn from Him and to follow in His humility. The yoke of the world produces stress, anxiety, and death. The yoke of the Master produces peace and rest in our minds, wills, and emotions.

Application:   We cannot be yoked to the world and Jesus at the same time. We must choose who we will serve, and who we are going to be yoked to. This is where repentance comes in. We say, “Jesus I’m sorry for my sin. Please help me to follow after You.” When we do – and truly mean it, He exchanges our labor for productivity. He eases our anxieties and gives us rest for our souls.

Prayer:   Jesus, I love You. Thank You for today. You are great and powerful, loving, and holy. I need You, Lord. I ask forgiveness for the idols in my life and for allowing myself to be yoked to the world and my sin. I need Your help to break me free. I choose to take on Your yoke and purposes for my life. Lead me, that I may follow after You.
