SCRIPTURE: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven… Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:10, 33).
OBSERVATION: Yesterday, the U.S. inaugurated its next president. While some are rejoicing and others may be indifferent, this has caused great fear and anxiety for many. The Word reminds us that God is sovereign over history and current events, and that He holds the heart of the king – or in our case, president (Proverbs 21:1). Even though we are experiencing a changing of the guard, we must remember that no such change occurs in heaven. God is on His throne. His love and truth endure forever.
This is why prayer and petitions are so important in the Kingdom. Our prayer is the vehicle through which God has chosen to establish His kingdom in the earth so that His will can be accomplished in our lives and circumstances. He promises that as we seek Him, His kingdom, and His righteousness, that He will meet our needs and that we need not worry about food, clothing, housing, or residency. The needs are real, but His word and power are more so.
APPLICATION: This means we must refuse to give in to fear, anxiety, and gossip and trust in Jesus. We are to fulfill our responsibilities (work, prayer, family, etc.), but also rest in the security of God’s love, truth, power, and sovereignty. We must also pray for those in authority that it may go well with us and the nation (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
PRAYER: Lord, I love You. Thank You for today. Help me to trust You and to choose faith in the midst of uncertainty. I trust You. Help me not to react to what I see and feel, but follow You where You lead. Amen.