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Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
We have a tendency to stay angry with one another for extended periods of time. We also are light on dispensing mercy to others. God isn’t that way. Love doesn’t keep a record of wrong. God is love. He is just and righteous, and we will one day give an account for our lives, but God desires to be merciful and kind. After all, it’s His kindness that leads us to repentance.
I need new mercies every morning. So do you. So, let’s start by thanking God for choosing mercy, though He is under no obligation to do so. We must also practice being merciful to others. When we are wronged, do we offer mercy, or do we drop a house? Jesus said that if we want His mercy, we need to be merciful, forgiving, loving, and kind to others. That doesn’t mean we become door mats, willing victims of abuse, or pretend like sin isn’t there. It means we speak the truth in love and seek the Lord’s will for the matter.
Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Jesus thank You for dying for me so that I can live for You. Help Me to be more like You and to be merciful to those around me. I need You. Amen.